I’m late in writing this week because I’m still recovering from falling “up” the stairs after tripping over Elfie (the dog) who was quietly lying in the dark on the landing, chewing on his squeaky shrimp. It was one of those falls that happen in slow motion but there really isn’t anything you can do about it. I’m still a bit bruised and limping now but carrying on never the less. The shrimp has been banished to the kitchen.
We are putting the pages of the Troll book together now and it’s been a true test of diplomacy and love -long periods of quiet, punctuated by shouts of “ you’re putting that WHERE??? - it’s a RITUAL object, NOT kitchen ware!!!” - along with -“What do you mean you haven’t photographed it yet!!!” and “ you TOLD me that was where it went!!!” and ending with “ aaagggghhhh”.
We love working together really!
We just took a short walk on to the moor this afternoon. It doesn’t matter how many times we go along the same roads -there’s always something new to discover. Today we found a hut circle that we had only seen from a distance before. Hut circles are such magical places. The idea that you can stand in the living space of people that were there two thousand years ago is always moving and quite humbling as well. These huts would have had stone walls and the steep, thatched roofs (rather like hats). I’ve been in a number of reconstructed huts both on Dartmoor and in Snodonia and they are wonderfully warm and cozy although I’m not sure I’d want to spend a harsh winter in one. It always amazes me that we can drive for less than a mile in some cases and find not only hut circle dwellings but ritual stone circles as well -right here. It makes it easier to bear a summer of cold and not much sun!
The picture of our roof shows what thatch looks like (and would have even a thousand years ago) and you can see the new patch on it that our valiant thatcher did in a huge rain shower the other day. Thatch is amazing and with a bit of care, can last even longer than a regular roof.

The roofs of the hut circles remind me of this drawing of Brian’s that I’ve found for this week. A conical hat (one of his favorite styles and very like the one he got at Faerieworlds ) that looks very like those roofs. The little guy on top has got to be one of those extremely annoying imps that hang around and do what ever damage they can before running away again. I think they lured Elfie and his shrimp onto the stairs -and they’ve been ruffling through the pages of the book as we try to make sense of it all. Very frustrating, but if you poke them, they bite. I’m sure that they are in cahoots with Buster (the cat). If that’s Brian in his hat (with imp) in the drawing, then I claim the lovely lady in the background.

This week’s picture of my desk is of a little troll that I’m just finishing for the book. He came together very quickly. Sometimes they just want to be born. I was working from a sketch that Brian handed me a few days ago and I could tell that he was ready to jump off of the page.
More news about late Autumn. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but I’m going to be talking about it quite a bit from now on because we’re so excited about it. Brian, Toby and I are going to have a three -person show at the wonderful Animazing Gallery in New York this December - opening on December 1st (2011) and running until February 12th (2012).
We are going to be showing and selling original paintings and drawings by Brian and Toby and I will both have figures - dolls and puppets for sale as well. We are celebrating the 25th anniversary of Labyrinth (2011) and the 30th anniversary of Dark Crystal (2012) and all three of us will have work associated with those films in the show. We will also have other pieces and Brian will have paintings and drawings from many of his published books as well. It’s going to be a wonderful show! If you want to find out more about it, please go to the Animazing website for more info -it’s - http://www.animazing.com/gallery/pages/2011FROUD/index.html . I’ll tell you more about it and other events that we’ll be participating in around New York at that time as well. It’s going to be SO exciting!
That may be it for now. I’ll try to write more this weekend -depending on the state of the book, the house, our state of mind, etc!