Well, this
week galloped by -literally. I was
working in my studio yesterday when I heard a strange crunching noise. I
couldn’t place it right away. I could tell that it was something coming up our
gravel drive, but it didn’t sound like a car and it didn’t sound like people
walking either. I looked out of my window just in time to see a heard of wild
ponies, about ten of them, walking up the drive and into the garden. They’re
quite light footed. It wasn’t a plodding sound like you would expect -more of a little tiptoe dancing sort of
I shouted
to Brian and we both ran out, arms spread wide, to try and chase them out the
gate and back on to the lane. Luckily, we were in time to round them up before
they had a chance to spread out and cause havoc. When we first moved to our
house, many years ago, I loved it when the ponies came in, but now, having seen
what they can do, the charm has worn thin. The first time they came in, they
ate all of the newly planted roses and left hoof prints and pony droppings all
over the garden. They always look so very guilty, as if they know exactly what
they’ve done wrong, when we chase them away. I wish I’d had time to photograph
them, but it was far more important to get them out!
Here’s a
fine picture of Buster looking noble next to the stone lion creature. He knows
he’s handsome!
We’ve been
out on the moor again in the good weather. We came across this signpost. You’ll
just have to imagine what goes on, on a “permissive” bridleway!
This picture is of a small stone circle that
is actually a ceremonial circle (as far as we 21st century people
know) and not a hut circle where people lived. The stones are low and
unimposing but it’s a strange place with strange energy. We always approach it
with caution because people still use it for various purposes. This looks like
– well, I’m not sure really (but nothing bad as far as I can tell). Interesting
pattern though. The stone trough in the middle is a focal point for much of
what ever goes on. I expect who ever put the coins there won’t mind a photo
taken of them since they’re right out in the open. Hope it’s prosperity!

We have
been meaning to visit Okehampton Castle for ages - since spring actually. Unfortunately, it
closes at the end of September and we’ll have to wait until spring again. This
was taken from the road just by the gate. It’s an interesting, very early
Norman castle and it’s said to be haunted by Lady Howard who rides out in a
coach with a headless coachman. Now that would be worth seeing. Or maybe NOT! Just a bit of ghoulish information for you
all this week. I know it’s early for Halloween but why wait.
"My ladye hath a sable coach,
And horses two and four;
My ladye hath a black blood-hound
That runneth on before.
My ladye's coach hath nodding plumes,
The driver hath no head;
My ladye is an ashen white,
As one that long is
"Now pray step in," my ladye saith,
"Now pray step in and ride."
I thank thee, I had rather walk
Than gather by thy side.
The wheels go round without a sound
Or tramp or turn of wheels;
As cloud at night, in pale moonlight,
Along the carriage steals.
I'd rather walk a
hundred miles
And run by night and day
Than have the carriage halt for me
And hear the ladye say:
"Now pray step in, and make no din,
Step in with me and ride;
There's room I trow, by me for you,
And all the world beside.""